i am leaving my job i have completed 4 years 10 months how much indemnity  i will get my salary is 1000 bd and when,please advise
 Views: 1944
Answers (1)
11 years ago
Indemnity in bahrian works in the following way:
15 days salary for the first 3 years worked and the 30 days salary for yeach year from the 4th year onwards.

so if your current salary s BD1,000 and you have worked 4 years and 10 months your leaving indemnity should be as follows:

BD1,500 for the first three years (being half salary per year)
BD1,000 for the 4th year
BD833 for the 10 months (being 10/12*1000)

So the total amount you are entitled bill be BD3,333 and this is due immidiateley upon leaveing. that means you should get it along with your final settlements.

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